Our assigned area is the north side of Hwy 280 between the Meridian Avenue and Saratoga Avenue. If we have enough crew members, we also work on the Meridian-Southwest-Expressway interchange. We also try to keep Moorpark and Parkmoor between Bascom and Leigh clean because they are de fact on-ramps and off-ramps in this area. We work from 9:00 to 12:30 one Saturday each month. A couple of times a year, we take on The Alameda exit on northbound Highway 880. Our permit to clean this area was pulled in January 2021, after 16 years. If you really want to know the gruesome details about how and why and who, email me and I'll share that information.
Details about our 18 years are below:
Want to get involved? Email me at loui@louitucker.com if you'd like to join a work crew.
Crazy stuff we found on the last pickup
Do you think you know litter? Take the Trash Quiz and find out...
Want to see what's in a bag of trash? What's in the bags of recyclables?
Photographic proof that some people are slobs!
52 bags of trash, plus 4.5 bags of recycables.
100 bags of trash, plus 6.5 bags of recyclables
We have adoped a new section of the local highway system, 101 Southbound between Capitol Expressway and Yerba Buena Road.
We didn't get to start work until April, and three times in seven months CalTrans allowed someone else to clean our section THE WEEK BEFORE we were scheduled to go out -- so I am sure our totals will be low this year. On the other hand, somebody needs to get that litter picked up and it might as well be us. Onward!
200 bags of trash, plus 31 bags of recyclables
As the whole world knows, 2020 was a bizarre year. We couldn't go out with our full crews for several months. Sabine and I did a few months alone because we are a household, but what can 2 workers do? In the end, the totals were not that different from 2019. Far less litter because, for about the first eight months, when all but essential workers were staying home, *far* fewer people were on the roads going to and from work.
199 bags of trash, plus 21 bag of recyclables
The total for 2019 are low compared to prior years but we were rained out in January and February, and had to cancel in December. Even considering we missed three months, however, it was still one of our lightest year. Could it be that the litter situation has improved, that people are not littering as much?
314 bags of trash, plus 33.5 bag of recyclables.
We were cleaning a larger area than we are picking up now (beginning 2021). More area to clean, more workers, more bags filled.
295 bags of trash, plus 33 bag of recyclables
361 bags of trash, plus 35 bags of recyclables
315 bags of trash -
39 bags of recyclables
305 bags of trash - 32 bags of recyclables
320 bags of trash - 32 bags of recyclables
307 bags of trash - 30 bags of recyclables
364 bags of trash - 39 bags of recyclables
311 bags of trash - 31 bags of recyclables
285 bags of trash - 19 bags of recyclables
269 bags of trash - 18 bags of recyclables
402 bags of trash - 27 bags of recyclables
326 bags of trash 21 bags of recyclables
I wasn't keep track yet....